24th July 2023 -Yes I'm a Crystal Seller but there's more to my story....
Well, this is a first.... I’ve never written anything about myself before so bear with me. I am just going to write this as my memories reveal themselves so I may jump forward or backwards, veer off on another tangent and then backtrack to get to the point of my stories. I may write these every couple of weeks or just when I get a chance to sit and recall my experiences.
First question, why am I doing this? Well most of you probably don’t know, who I really am. You know me as Kerrie, the lady I buy crystals from and that’s it. However, there are a few of you who whilst we have been discussing your order or just having a chat, have experienced me giving you the, I see dead people...spiel. Well no, I don’t say that! lol I say, not sure if you believe but I see messages from spirit and I’m seeing this.... do you understand what it means? Then I end up giving a random reading. When a message is constantly being shown , I weigh up.. do I tell this person or let it go? But let’s be serious... of course I can’t let it go.. because I am completely intrigued myself.
I hear the collective... WHAT?????
Yes I am , what I call myself, an Intuitive Medium.
Next question... Why don’t you state that on your Insta or Facey pages?
Well, I suppose I wanted people to see my Crystal Enhancers and not see me as, Oh just another psychic providing readings. Not that there is anything wrong with that at all. I just didn’t want my account hacked, like I see frequently and my customers being bombarded with spam messages.
I actually do have a facebook page that people contact me for readings.... I never post on it... because I suppose I never get a chance. So every start of the year I’ll add a post, apologise for not posting more... and then not post until the next year..lol if you want to go stalk, it’s called BIAS (believe, inspire, affirm, succeed). It did start out as a page where I posted affirmations and also offered readings... but then life took over and I didn’t get a chance to post regularly.
I do a lot of readings though... I have clients who come back every 6 months, new clients referred by my regulars or just randoms who stumble and find me. I have never advertised as I believe that if you come across me, then you are meant to have a reading from me. I’m not out make squillions for my readings, I just charge for my time, well half the time it doesn’t even cover my time...lol but I just love helping people and giving the guidance they need at that time.
So that’s me.... Kerrie the crystal seller, the intuitive and not many of you also know but I have another business where I sell prints, invitations and certificates. Yes I’ve got my fingers in a few pies.
So I thought this blog would give me an opportunity to share some of the amazing and crazy readings I’ve done of the years, my childhood memories and weirdness and my psychic family that I never even knew about until I was 19.
At 54 years old, I’ve experienced some crazy arse shit... and also some absolutely wonderful and beautiful spiritual connections.
Now, those of you who I have done readings or given messages to over the years. Don’t freak out! I’m not telling your stories! Well, I have to admit, there are a few I’d love to tell, but I will be asking permission before I just blurt them out.
So.. now to decide where to start........
Let’s start with my earliest memory.
I would have been 3 years old and we lived in an old house In Boronia in the suburb of Melbourne. I still remember the house layout, but I have no other memories of events at that house at all, apart from the one frightening experience I had as a little girl. I remember every minute detail, as if it was yesterday. It frightened the absolute crap out of me! Even though I was only 3, I had a sense of foreboding, darkness and complete terror. I will never ever forget it.
My baby sister and I were in the same bedroom. She was a few months old and still in a bassinet. I was in a big girl’s bed. As you walked in the room, my sister was on the left and my bed was on the right up against the wall. I was fast asleep facing the wall and woke in pain as I was hit in the back. I remember waking thinking to myself, Ouch! That hurt! Before I could cry, scream out, whatever, BAM! I was hit again. And it wasn’t light.. it was a force.. enough to push for forward towards the wall. I was in agony and shock. I was absolutely petrified and my intuition was screaming, DON’T TURN AROUND! So I lay there, my mouth open trying to scream but nothing, not one single sound came out my mouth. I tried and tried to scream between the punches but my voice wasn’t working. I dare not move as I didn’t want them/ it (I had no idea) to know I was awake. I pretended to be asleep and every punch I was shoved closer to the wall. I remember trying to understand who it was and what was happening. I felt like it was someone small but not as small as me. Someone very angry! I remember thinking, am I dreaming?... so I bit the inside of my cheek and it hurt. So I knew I was awake!
Now here’s the weird bit.... I remember it going on for ages but then I can’t remember anything else until I woke in the morning, I got out of bed and cried to my Mum saying, Someone was hitting me last night and it hurt so much. My Mum, who didn’t believe back then (or maybe she did but refused to acknowledge it) said to me to not to be silly and I must have dreamt it. I remember being adamant with her. Then she said, oh your sister must have done it.. I think she just said that to shhh me... as I remember being confused thinking... no she’s in her bassinet.. how could she get out? I never said another word about it. I figured no one believed me. However, I will never ever forget it for the rest of my life.
Years later in my 20s, I would mention it again to my Mum and to my shock she said, Kerrie that house was scary! Then proceeded to tell me that she would walk out of a room and come back to things being moved or walk into the kitchen and all the drawers were open. I said, Mum you told me I was dreaming!! I thought I was going crazy.
So there was something in that house for sure! Maybe they knew I was open and it was their way to contact... although I would have thought they would have contacted my Dad. That’s a whole other story.
So In hindsight, I’m guessing self protection kicked in and my brain has erased or blocked out the rest of that night. Did I black out with the pain? Did I end up falling asleep? Absolutely no idea. Did I have bruises? I don’t know.. so many question that I have no answers for.
But what I can tell you is, that I am 100% sure it was real and it was one of the most terrifying experiences I’ve ever had. I have a few more stories to tell but this was my introduction to the spirit world.. and it wasn’t nice at all.
Hope you enjoyed my first installment. Stay posted ..there’s more to come!
Kerrie xx
Hi Kerrie,It’s Ness.💖
I cannot to hear more,I am so intrigued.xxx
Hello store owner. My name is Joe Chris. I am an expect. I came across your store and website while scouting. And I saw your store is very impressive but there are some things you need to put in place to attract more traffic and boost your sales revenue. Kindly get back to know more about the plan. Thanks
Oh my goodness 😳